Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hello Friends!  
Hope this post finds you enjoying the summer and relaxing in the sun!  I know most of us still have to work, but somehow it just seems easier to relax in the summer (and easier to forget about work!).  

Even though I adore summer, and the thought of it coming to a quick end makes me want to turn my head in denial, I do also enjoy many of the things that come with the change of the season and the start of Fall.  One of those joys being a little more structure to my family's schedule.  As your Fall schedule begins to materialize and fill up (and they always do fill up so quickly), don't forget to make some time for yourself in each day.  Maybe a daily meditation?  A little Yoga sweat?  A peaceful walk?  Maybe all of the above?

Get yourself set for the Fall (and reset after the summer!).....come see me for a soothing and peaceful reflexology session.  I have a few sessions left in August and I'm now booking through September.  Please take a look at my availability and email me to book your sessions!  

Thanks so much and I really look forward to seeing you soon!

Be well and live well.