What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is the study and practice of applying pressure to the feet (and sometimes the hands and ears) with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques, under the principle that doing so creates physiological and psychological responses in the body.  Each organ and part of the body corresponds to an energy zone on the feet.  By stimulating these energy zones, circulation is increased in the body to assist the body in speeding up the elimination of waste products, so that toxins do not have a chance to build up to harmful levels in the organs of the body.  A build up of toxins creates congestion, inflammation and tension, resulting in disease, discomfort and suppression of the immune system. 

Because reflexology is used to treat the body as a whole, it improves all systems and functions of the body, and therefore encourages the natural healing of the body to take place faster and more efficiently.  By stimulating the energy zones on the feet, energy pathways are unblocked, the energies that facilitate neurological and circulatory functioning can do their work.  The body starts to balance as the zones are cleared.  The body returns to its natural rhythm.  Energy flows, and the mind, body and spirit are brought back into balance.

Benefits of Reflexology
*Reduces stress and induces deep relaxation
*Cleanses the body of toxins and impurities
*Improves circulation
*Revitalizes energy
*Boosts immune function
*Improves sleep
*Improves digestion and elimination
*Relieves pain
*Balances the mind, body and spirit

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